Members comments:

 =  poemozauriene
[22.Sep.02 06:13]
Tare frumos ingerasul asta...

 =  etimologie si hermeneutica
[22.Sep.02 15:39]
Ce inseamna aceste cuvinte ? Eu am cautat aceasta sintagma pe google si am aflat ca in Marcabru o biserica Krusos
si mai scria si alte lucruri pe care, din lipsa de timp, nu le-am citit cu atentie

"The Church of Krusos in Marcabru is very similar to the church in other lands. The head of the church is Archbishop Cervin Faure; his cathedral of Saint Marisse is located in the capital city of LeTourneau. Marcabru is divided into seven dioceses, which correspond to the Seven Qualities required of knights.

Marcabru is also the origin of a particular unorthodox belief which many foreigners call the Marcabruz Heresy or the Sevigny Heresy. This is the belief, widespread although not universal throughout the kingdom, that Krusos was married during his life on Escalante and left heirs of his body. The Consort of Krusos is generally believed to have been one of three recognized saints, Austorge, Aurore, or Ermessende.

The modern-day inheritors of the Bloodline of Krusos are found in the nobility of the former Seve tribe, the original inhabitants of the land now known as Marcabru. It is among the Seve descendants that the so-called Sevigny Heresy is most known. Many of the clergy, most notably the Bishop of Sevigny, are in sympathy with this belief.

The Archbishop and others in the church heirarchy tend to ignore the existence of this belief and generally think that no harm can come of it."
cat despre anthemos, pe care l-am gasit sub forma anthems, cred ca poate reprezenta de exemplu diverse diverse steaguri sau imnuri cum ar fi pentru englezi Rule Britannia rule sau Jerusalem. poti sa-mi spui oare mai multe

anthemos inseamna floare in lb. greaca. totusi nu-mi pot da seama cu precizie despre ce este vorba

 =  revenire dupa o noapte
[23.Sep.02 11:46]
Sa fie totusi crizantema?

 =  zic si eu...
[23.Sep.02 13:52]
Poate e anemona?!

 =  Bravo..
[26.Sep.02 00:49]
Da,am vazut si eu Trainspotting...Nu era chiar "halucinant",da' a mers.
Te descurci bine,poemozaurule(apropo,sper ca ai cazut in picioare).

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