Members comments:

 =  Parol, am si eu o venousse furata din poezia ta
carmen mihaela visalon
[09.Jul.06 14:15]
Daca nu am spus, spun acum: Imi place poezia scenariu. Ma teleporteaza dintr-o realitatea cu iz de (dinu) Paturica cu jeepuri din care coboara gaturi cocosate de lanturi grele,
intr-o lume in care lucrurile se reaseaza astfel incat pionul nu devine rege/regina decat la capatul unui sir lung de incercari.
"Sa i se taie capul!", striga regina din Alice in tara minunilor, sa i se taie mana, spunea Tepes pentru a oferi castelanilor un spectacol cu hoti, sa i se taie fusta, striga unul din sala, privind-o pe actrita din rolul principal, Taiati, Taiati(!), tipa regizorul realizand ca scena se joaca dupa ureche si nimeni nu si-a invatat replica.

Aici sunt eu cu in ultima zi de iubire
la intalnirea unui sparmatozoid cu un banal ovul ce se dorea fecundat
aici e tata de la sovata
ferches fante, fante ferches, ca un fluturas
aici este lipsa unui prezervativ
ca o intamplare
de a nu fi
de a nu fi fost
altceva decat un biet model
pentru u mare pictor
altceva decat o statuie
pierduta in mare
pana ce bratele
mi s-au desprins de trup
pentru a se lega de ochii intelepti ai caracatitei
singura producatoare de sepia
care a ales sa scrie cu 10 penite
pe carnea vapoarelor scufundate.

treceti peste asta dati foaia mai departe

Aici e un marmura pe care scrie:
Ce pacat, ce pacat, Venousse a fost prinsa la furat!

Aici un biletel scris pe un teanc de bacnote nemarcate
pe el un omnipotent a notat:
Venousse, fata buna, prietena cu noi estem, rugam achitati.

Aici sunt eu. Vocea poporului Carmen. Mie si supusilor mei mi-a placut replica la XXX.

 =  experiment
ioana barac grigore
[09.Jul.06 14:25]
carmen, buna tare. idee: pune-o la tine cu follow-up. venus este o planeta uriasa si generoasa. ii putem taia multe... fatete.

multumesc mult

+ justificare, promisiune si bonus copy/paste
carmen mihaela visalon
[09.Jul.06 14:48]
Daca tu spui. O s-o pun pe Timpul, cu follow-up:)
Pana atunci sa termin ce-am inceput. Las o stea pentru o planeta Isthar, care cu siguranta se roteste atat de lent ca sa nu imbatranesca nicicand si un imn pentru hotoaica de mama a iubirii:)
Hymn to Ishtar
This Hymn to Ishtar, Mother Lover of Tammuz, was written c. 1600 B.C.

Praise the goddess, the most awesome of the goddesses.
Let one revere the mistress of the peoples, the greatest of the Igigi.
Praise Ishtar, the most awesome of the goddesses.
Let us revere the queen of women, the greatest of the Igigi.

She is clothed in pleasure and love.
She is laden with vitality, charm, and voluptuousness.
Ishtar is clothed in pleasure and love.
She is laden with vitality, charm, and voluptuousness.

In lips she is sweet; life is in her mouth.
At her appearance rejoicing becomes full.
She is glorious; veils are thrown over her head.
Her figure is beautiful; her eyes are brilliant.

The goddess - with her there is counsel.
The fate of everything she holds in her hand.
At her glance there is created joy,
Power, magnificence, the protecting deity and guardian spirit.

She dwells in, she pays heed to compassion and friendliness.
Besides, agreeableness she truly possesses.
Be it slave, unattached girl, or mother, she preserves (her).
One calls on her; among women one names her name.

Who - to her greatness who can be equal?
Strong, exalted, splendid are her decrees.
Ishtar - to her greatness who can be equal?
Strong, exalted, splendid are her decrees.

She is sought after among the gods; extraordinary is her station.
Respected is her word; it is supreme over them.
Ishtar among the gods, extraordinary is her station.
Respected is her word; it is supreme over them.

She is their queen; they continually cause her commands to be executed.
All of them bow down to her.
They receive her light before her.
Women and men indeed revere her.

In their assembly her word is powerful; it is dominating.
Before Anum their king she fully supports them.
She rests in intelligence, cleverness, (and) wisdom.
They take counsel together, she and her lord.

Indeed they occupy the throne room together.
In the divine chamber, the dwelling of joy,
Before them the gods take their places.
To their utterances their attention is turned.

The king their favorite, beloved of their hearts,
Magnificently offers to them his pure sacrifices.
Ammiditana, as the pure offering of his hands,
Brings before them fat oxen and gazelles.

From Anum, her consort, she has been pleased to ask for him
An enduring, a long life.
Many years of living, to Ammiditana
She has granted, Ishtar has decided to give.

By her orders she has subjected to him
The four world regions at his feet;
And the total of all peoples
She has decided to attach them to his yoke.

De ce am dat steaua? Pentru tragismul lipsit de patetism.

 =  rog un editor...
ioana barac grigore
[09.Jul.06 17:06] regeleze problema cu aparitia stelei la acest poem, pana nu iese de pe prima pagina. o doresc cat mai vizibila. multumesc!

carmen, multumesc pentru stea! sa-mi spui numarul timpului respectiv, sa citesc.

 =  obicei:)
Dutu Elena Stefania
[09.Jul.06 21:56]
Trista,poezia ma aduce la starea in care sa imi para rau de faptul ca prostia uneori e sora asa buna cu ignoranta.In prima faza se simte o ironie fata de venousse, dar usor usor se transforma in compasiune...asta e, e si vina noastra a tuturor ca ignoranta exista...

 =  elena
ioana barac grigore
[10.Jul.06 11:04]
bun obicei, elena. sunt sigura ca vei afla destule grozavii pe aici. cand te citesc si unde?

 =  Sa nu devenim ignoranti intr-o lume de ignoranti
ispas florin ciprian
[10.Jul.06 15:21]
Prostia e sora cu ignoranta,prostia de multe ori coboare din jeepurile noilor emanati, prostia doarme in micul , mare hotel numit parlament.Cred ca fiecare avem un venus al nostru.

 =  florin...
ioana barac grigore
[13.Jul.06 09:39]
...fiecare dintre noi suntem un fel de venus cu orbita proprie intretaiata de alte orbite ale altor venus care se pot numi oricum in universul miscator pe orbita lui intretaiata de alte orbite ale altor universuri care la randul lor...

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