Members comments:

 =  Curious
Diana Pacuraru
[03.Feb.05 00:14]
I see...well, this poem left me a little...curious.

 =  Work out
Diana Pacuraru
[03.Feb.05 00:20]
And try working more on your english...please.

 =  diana
neaga victor emanuel
[06.Feb.05 02:55]
e right ....of course ..whatever...
u've meant that i should not post poems until i practise some english.
it's ok. i don't really care if i've spelled a word
right or not, it is important for me the message of the poem if there exists one :)
have a nice day.

 =  diana (how much i love this name ;) )
[15.Feb.05 16:13]
diana iti multumesc p-u trecerele tale (toate)
and actiolly i believe in romanian poetry
and of course in god
see u...

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