Members comments:

 =  ecstatic submission
Corina Dragomir
[11.Aug.04 23:11]
This breathless display of intense feelings overwhelms the reader by means of the ennobling force of human love as well as the elevation of the beloved above the lover resonating in an exorbitant and quasi-religious praise of the lady's beauty: "she was a tantalizing fairy, waterfall, the unequivocal queen of my mind ... Omnipotent Goddess".
This poem surrenders in visual imagery and quite an excessive use of adverbs even though reminds us of the
troubadur poetry.
P.S I think that some collocations do not go hand in hand with the meaning of the some words ...but it's just my opinion:) e.g "hansomely princely sunset"


 =  .
Corina Dragomir
[13.Aug.04 19:28]
typos: of some (without the definite article "the")
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