Members comments:

 =  Power of your Verses
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[20.Sep.05 06:50]
Aptitude of your hands, paper together with pen an ultimate dint, change the mind of those around, power to make things amend, neither cataclysm, the power just lies beyond your skill, your verses, the rhyme of your convincing soul, power of your authority, being a poet!

 =  ...key to all answers...
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[20.Sep.05 10:56]
Sometimes words can change worlds, people,...words..., as you said, for better or for worse. Liked the final comparison ( my verse - the eyes of the universe ) and the idea of possessing such power through words, practicly the one of keeping the key to all enigmas, to all the answers possible in the flesh that holds the certain pen, actually in the deepest corners of the mind... Keep it on, my friend! Best wishes! ...Bastian...

 =  For every poet & poetess
Edilberto González Trejos
[20.Sep.05 22:42]
This poem is about us poets, we have a power and we can use it.
You, Joshua, Alvin Bastian...! everyone!
We are born with some "distorted" glasses in our sight so we see life in a different way than the rest do.
Joshua: You also got it, pal!
Alvin: If we delve deep enough we´ll find the Answers... And the Eyes of the Universe, are there for us, a harmless "Palantir" for us to see through!



 =  beautiful
Diana Pacuraru
[30.Sep.05 16:51]
a very beautiful poem, very expressive. as about the "bloods" i wrote about, i meant "bloods", because i wanted it to be about the bloods of the ancestors, bloods of those who created, bloods of kings. but i appreciated your comment. maybe it's a mistake using "bloods", i would like to have it a "poetic license" :). anyway, this poem of yours is great, i like it a lot and it does talk about the power of word.

 =  Salve Diana
Edilberto González Trejos
[01.Oct.05 20:19]
fully understood Diana.
salut Poetess


 =  You saw it ** D´Alin
Edilberto González Trejos
[07.Oct.05 20:28]
Hello D´Alin!

I appreciate your reply. So good you saw it Poet, For that Pow´r is inside you too.

Truly yours,


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