Members comments:

 =  WOW!
Oana Balta
[07.Aug.05 04:00]
Amazing poem, what can I say?!I like the awkward but extraordinary way you mix words.I have just one question: is it inspired in a way by "A Clockwork Orange", by Burgess?
Keep up the good work!

 =  Gothic, schizo, Kafkaesque
Edilberto González Trejos
[05.Aug.05 00:38]
Celtic mist
amidst a brainy ocean,
deadly realms
of my haunting conscience...
A surreal nightmare,
yet somehow

Simply interesting Andreea!


 =  Kafkaesque
andreea l.
[05.Aug.05 13:52]
very possible, as long as "I AM" lasts for more than five seconds. cheers, songo. thanks :)

 =  a Kafkaesque clockwork orange
andreea l.
[12.Aug.05 16:14]
thanks, Oana. the clockwork orange in my text is the "myself" I'm trying to put to sleep by electric shock therapy, consisting of literature mainly. my narcotic view of myself, narcotics-free. trying to be more like me and less like "them" is challenging. inside the mechanical walls of the world outside myself, i find it difficult sometimes to preserve my state of being a simple orange. who doesn't,anyway?
as far as Burgess in concerned, oh, yeah! i love him! he's been the shadow hovering above me at the time this poem was written. Kafka and Burgess, my orange tree maybe(and so much more)

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