Members comments:

+ time for something longer?
ion amariutei
[12.Oct.06 20:47]
in a way, haiku is a "photographic description of nature"
then again, not all photography is made the same, even if the subject matter is...
haiku is betting on the indelible quality of some images, their ability to evoke universal emotions.
a good haiku makes you not only remember that image, but also remember the emotion that image entailed, it's a positive feedback loop

i guess, not by coincidence, i liked this one best and "silent park..." second

 =  There was a "time for something longer"...
Nina Shamana
[14.Oct.06 18:01]
Thank you for unburying a haiku that is so close to my heart - your special words made it come alive too! I'm also glad you broke the silence of that "park"...:)

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