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 =  no timing
John Willy Kopperud
[19.Jan.07 10:49]

Camelia! The poem above shows that you sometimes exaggerate
your modesty. These lines do reveal capacity.

Greetings from Willy

 =  no timing
John Willy Kopperud
[19.Jan.07 10:51]

Camelia! The poem above shows that you sometimes exaggerate
your modesty. These lines do reveal capacity.

Greetings from Willy

 =  maybe you are right
Heghedus Camelia
[19.Jan.07 12:21]
It would be good if you would be right. From now I’ll try to not speak about me, I don’t expect to be contradicted when I do it in this manner named by you modesty. Thank you, this poem is one of my favorite flowing from my own truths. (I am a little downcast because of some grammatical errors slipped in my previous comments. Am I right? My English is from high school ...)

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