Comentariile membrilor:

 =  if
Corina Gina Papouis
[24.Dec.10 12:48]
...pain was a poem it should be called life..:)
(I like to add an angle to everything)
Merry Xmas!


 =  :)
Corina Gina Papouis
[24.Dec.10 13:27]
Let's try commenting in English please, it is only fair, as many of this site's users are not Romanian speakers. Thanks for your cooperation!
..and I will do my best to look at the other text in the Workshop (but is Xmas Eve and many things happen on Xmas Eve :p)..

 =  Merry x-mas!
Ioana-Raluca Raducanu
[24.Dec.10 14:08]
Thanx alot, Corina, i really appreciate!
Sorry about my Romanian, I realized I used it only after having already submitted the comment!
Merry Christmas, of course, and may the Santa bring u happiness :)

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