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 =  managing the smile
Daria Patrunjel
[28.Jan.05 02:42]
i found a bit of a city in winter, a bit of a dreamer and a bit of thin lizzy:)
in my opinion it's more likely for 'personals' than for 'proze'
it's been nice...daria

 =  re:managing the smile
Sigartau Alex
[11.Feb.05 00:47]
Daria, it's always amazing to see what others get out of your writings. I can and will not agree or disagree.
Instead, I will kindly thank you for your thoughts.

[04.Jun.05 01:49]
I think this is well written. Pleasant style, nice imagery, and well communicated emotion.

As Daria says, this is very personal. And very poetic, too. It could hardly be called prose. A prose poem, perhaps.

Well done!

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