Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Mistakes
Diana Pacuraru
[19.Mar.05 01:16]
Your english is quite have some mistakes..."beautiful" written with one "l" not with two...and so on...

 =  Amelie Poulain...
Dennis Edward Moustapha
[23.Mar.05 04:52]
Yes that's me!!! Hold that thought... TOGATHER FOR LIFE!!! ( How's the living roast doing? ;) And remember! Don't do drugs or the drugs will do you instead! SEPATOWN!!! Nice poem 'xcept for the first 13 verses... What is it with you people? (I'm just showing off...)

 =  for dennis
alina pachitanu
[26.Mar.05 02:50]
for dennis: alright... so you saw a single lousy movie in your whole life... and you keep on telling people jokes 'bout it. What's the catch? Are you trying to make me laugh? Or should I say "Do you see my face laughing"?
About the 13 verses: Where's the criticism? because I need to learn from your outstanding literary experience. Maybe gimme a hint or two?!

 =  for Diana, my corrector
alina pachitanu
[26.Mar.05 23:36]
wowwwwwww so the details like spelling in the rush of writting a poem upset you so much?! Maybe you disregard the essence in that process.

 =  Thank God for Yahoo!
Dennis Edward Moustapha
[28.Mar.05 21:54]
Your "writting" has certainly improved a lot since Yahoo implemented it's spell corection engine. Anyway, it gets you from A to B I guess. To bad it isn't able to inject talent up peoples asses or someting... And "Do you see my face laughing" it's not English. It's sort of badly translated Albanian stuff... Poor, poor fellow citizens. Blessed are the stupid for they shall ALL inherit McDonalds medium sized meals. Good for nuthin' dead-beat poets...

 =  Be careful
Diana Pacuraru
[30.Mar.05 23:27]
Actually, your entire poetry seems senseless....but nevermind. You give the feeling that you write just to show off. Keep going, if this is what you like. I personally find them senseless. And I am not your corrector, you should be more careful in the future.

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