Comentariile membrilor:

 =  Uplifting!!
Diana Pacuraru
[19.Mar.05 01:27]
Wow! At the beginning, reading the title, it seemed annoying. But then I read it and it gave me such an uplifting feeling. Congrats!!

 =  ...and also
Diana Pacuraru
[19.Mar.05 01:27]
It's like letting myself fall in the arms of my own freedom...

 =  second impression could be better impression
raj thampi
[19.Mar.05 08:45]
shall i re-write the age old belief "first impression is the best impression" diana? thank you. i hope one day the person for whom i specifically written this poem, reads it.

 =  thanks friend like to hear from you
ruchi ahuja
[19.Mar.05 13:00]
thanks for the comment
well ur poem is self satisfying
keep it up

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