Comentariile membrilor:

 =  welcome, Ilinca Scorus
Luminita Suse
[17.Apr.05 03:47]
Welcome to the English section of this site, Ilinca. I wish you good luck!

 =  thanks!
scorus ilinca
[19.Apr.05 04:38]
thank you!I am glad to see my poem here and to know that I am being read!thank you again!

 =  Pretty sweet
Diana Pacuraru
[21.Apr.05 20:51]
Your poem is a sweet philosophy of life. I'm not too fond of sweet myself, but it's okay. It's not bad and you should write more, to improve.

 =  A caress of dew
Edilberto González Trejos
[04.Jun.05 16:09]
Talking to clouds, managing natural figures in a very authentic way, are signs that show me a poetess indeed.

Great write,


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