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 =  it's nice to be human, but hard
Luminita Baboianu
[16.Apr.05 01:38]
but we can't always justify our mistakes.
We can enjoy our succesfull lies, but we cannot ignore the truth. in the end we'll be all responsible in our own conscience for it.

all in all, your poem is a good plead for human nature.
I like it a lot. Keep on writing, I'll keep on reading your work.


 =  lies
raj thampi
[16.Apr.05 08:24]
Luminita, you are kind. There are few minutes in our lives, when we are numb & everything seems meaningless. This poem is the child of such a moment. I agree lies make lives & I know lies break lives also.
Thanks for your comment. Warm regards

*a small correction was made. ROM was changed to "rome"

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