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 =  crone crone, lend me a broom
[28.Apr.05 13:55]
crone (krohn) n.
1. a withered, witchlike old woman.
[1350-1400; ME < MD croonie old ewe < ONF caronie CARRION]
Derived words
--cron'ish, adj.

masters of Crones ? poor Chronos

 =  Dan,
Preoteasa Marinela
[12.May.05 22:16]
Talk much and err much!
The way to heart is through his stomach.

 =  ...
[13.May.05 09:14]
to way to heart ? alright... I quit

 =  here's C - remix
corina dragomir
[13.May.05 09:38]
in the romanian version *Renastere* there's noticeably a direct reference to Chronos and not some *master of crones (witches). make up your mind once for all. *the seeds pierce feet, pretty logical. it's unlikely to blend the meaning of the verb *pierce* with *blood*, on the contrary.

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