Comentariile membrilor:

 =  harry krishna, harry krishna:)
corina dragomir
[07.May.05 15:02]
Image hosted by

 =  *Hugs*
raj thampi
[07.May.05 15:17]
A huge, another painting as an appreciation. You are sweet Corina. Hehe

 =  nice to see ya again-Corina
raj thampi
[07.May.05 15:20]
Oops by the way-please correct yaself :P its always "hare rama, Hare Krisha" or it was another "WESTERN" way of claiming "things" and making them all "Christian"? Harry Krishna Harry Ram.

 =  ...
corina dragomir
[07.May.05 15:26]
nope, raj. I intentionally wrote the title of my comment like that. I know it's *hare, hare...*.

 =  it goes on
raj thampi
[07.May.05 15:33]
I knew it was intentional Corina :) I was expecting it, after all I didn't write comments without expecting "comments" :)


 =  Human beings
Edilberto González Trejos
[08.May.05 21:37]
Dear Raj,

This is a heartfelt and also a lucid appeal to our true sense of inclusion, because WE ARE ALL HUMAN BEINGS.

Good point!!!


 =  I wish I were black!!!
Dennis Edward Moustapha
[05.Jun.05 10:32]
I think that the first white country to have a black president is going to be... Yeah right!
R O M A N I A!

P.S. I don't know why, don't ask me! It's a prophecy!

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