Members comments:

 =  ...rainy feelings...
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[16.May.05 11:39]
Really good poem! Really good. There was a song from Julie Cruise (I believe it was the soundtrack from 'Twin Peaks') which had the same theme : something about 'We walked among the lake'... I don't know if you know the song...
Anyway...I'm going to say it again: Loved your poem! It's so full of rainy feelings (Did I forget to mention I love rain?) You managed to unite feelings with nature in a stunning manner..., so deeply...('the rain was breathing through our skin'...'wells of bitter tears, melting within the voice of innocence'...) If I had the posibility to give stars, be sure that I would have given one to you!
All the best!... ...Bastian...

 =  Thank you, Bastian!
Sorana Lucia Salomeia
[16.May.05 12:52]
Thank you so much for your beautiful words and for taking the time to read my work, Bastian! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

 =  swirling
Sigartau Alex
[02.Jun.05 00:44]
Like your poem wuite a bit. Many beautiful verses and images. Enjoy the fact that you listen to Cure.
What I did not like about this text is that it has not enough binding material. The poem has very little fluidity. But I'm sure that is something you can work on.
Anyway, it's a fairly good poem, a bit too long but it sure has its strong points.
I liked this verses the best:
"The rain was breathing through our skin -
Rattling on windows of water,
It almost murdered our dream."

All the best to you!

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