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 =  : ) power of Poetry
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[26.May.05 13:13]
I think I agree with your text, Poetry is a beautiful thing in life, in a way that it is also the soul of the languages,together with the literature, we can express our selves in in the side of positive nor negative by means of writing a poem, instead of showing your anger by means of violent reactions.

Really, Poetry is keen and powerful : )

 =  power indeed
Edilberto González Trejos
[26.May.05 21:04]
Very mindful comment Joshua!
We all have inner demons and poetry is exactly a tool or a weapon to fight them, facing our darkness in orr to redeem it... (if we want to)... It´s up to us.


 =  Hallowed
Diana Pacuraru
[27.May.05 00:45]
Beautiful. Simply beautiful. What more to say? It gave me a feeling, one that I longed for in a while...the feeling of silence, one that only brings madness and revelations. Take care.

 =  :) silent
Edilberto González Trejos
[27.May.05 21:22]
Only Silence can justify the existance of noise, only light can justify the existance of darkness, only life can justify the existance of death...
Just loose & spare thoughts---

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