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 =  ...interesting motive...
Vasilescu Alvin Bastian
[11.Jun.05 14:14]
Damn...This is too orange for my mind! I like cold colours.
But seriously now, your text is pretty good, you've chosen an ultra-interesting motive (the motive of ...'orange'), although it sounds a bit or...a bit more...weird, a motive which I've never seen around this page...You've well structured the text, swiveling around this main idea. Fine poem! All the best 2U, Andreea! ...Bastian...

 =  to Bastian
andreea l.
[09.Aug.05 02:22]
statement:I hate bright colours. cold colours are my thing. that makes two of us :) (orange is stalking me though)

 =  to Bastian
andreea l.
[02.Aug.05 16:47]
statement:I hate bright colours! I like cold colours, that makes two of us, but orange seems to be stalking me (a lot)
thanks for the nice thoughts :)

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