Comentariile membrilor:

 =  nope
Corina Gina Papouis
[19.Jun.09 23:14]
slut and fucking don't achieve much! not in this poem, in fact I would send the whole 2nd paragraph for walkies...or maybe keep lines 2-3.
its frame will sustain the message easily.

 =  corina
Folea Maria
[20.Jun.09 20:55]
followed ur suggestion:)

 =  maria,
Laurenţiu Ion
[20.Jun.09 21:22]
your text still contains explicit language(in the comments)!

 =  Maria
Constantin Delca
[21.Jun.09 14:09]
as i'm not a supporter of cheap explicit language in the body of a poem, i'm glad you've got rid of this. now i can enjoy reading it, it's an entire different story


 =  :)
Corina Gina Papouis
[22.Jun.09 00:12]
Maria, thanks for that!

...a happy reader

 =  replies
Folea Maria
[22.Jun.09 13:43]
at least there:D

constantin, corina
not many ppl r enjoying that kind of words, although i believe it's way more natural expressing myself the way i am
i usually not remove explicit stuff i really like that even if it makes me seem weird
i did it cause with or without them
it's the same story
u were right
:) green greetings

 =  re cursing in poems
Corina Gina Papouis
[22.Jun.09 14:00]
i'm not a big fan of cursing in poems, i believe it is somewhat a lack of control of the author, as depth and meaning in any text can be achieved with the right combination of decent words picked from the vocabulary that mother nature blessed us with. There are exceptions to the rule: persons suffering with tourrette syndrome, they have no choice.
however, I am just an opinion, others believe that real writing starts when you bypass your 'inner-police' system.:))
conclusion: one style of writing is impossible to please us all.

 =  controlling myself
Folea Maria
[22.Jun.09 14:50]
sucks. but i guess sometimes it's neccessary:) as far as i know i'm not a tourette girl but i like freedom in any form:d if explicite words were something common, i bet i wouldn't have used them so often:))
thx 4 oppinions;)

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