Comentariile membrilor:

 =  50
Laurenţiu Ion
[21.Jun.09 13:50]
from now on, you can post texts without editor's verification! read carefully the rules & keep posting your texts!
good luck!

 =  ***
Constantin Delca
[21.Jun.09 13:54]
goog job!
thanx a lot!

 =  err
Constantin Delca
[21.Jun.09 13:55]
good :)

 =  nice piece of poetry
Laura Cherecheº
[21.Jun.09 16:23]
congrats for your 50! hope I'll catch up with you :)
I like "i chop off
a bit of my loneliness
and give it to you
as a poisonous
welcome gift"


 =  Laura
Constantin Delca
[21.Jun.09 16:33]
you are welcomed on my page &
i wish you good luck!


 =  CD
Corina Gina Papouis
[22.Jun.09 00:26]
love the way you secure the message into bonsai-type poetry. the words are carefully chosen to achieve maximum impact within a minimal format.

i would dare suggest 2 things:

'into thin air'

'through empty hallways
of memory'

that way you avoid the repetition of MY (memory/ loneliness)

CD, I am a fan!:)

 =  ok
Constantin Delca
[22.Jun.09 09:25]
the repetition of "my" annoyed me as well, now i'm goinng to do the changes you suggest
thank you for the visit and for support!


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Înapoi !