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 =  gothic
Veronica Valeanu
[30.Jul.09 21:33]
yes, it's gothic
perhaps the title goes too far with that bare "paradise"- even if a lost one (not quite regained in the end)

the poem makes us follow the "I" everywhere but the zoom goes only upon the I, which makes one believe it's too subjective/induced(think about a gothic movie, the accent is on the atmosphere rather than the action)

resurrection, temptations, salvation, immortality - are too embossed

 =  heaven&hell
Constantin Delca
[31.Jul.09 10:34]
i just wanted to use the gothic elements. i didn't intend to create the specific atmosphere. i tried to give a shape to the idea that when someone (me, for example)creates , he/she is trasported for a while in paradise. i believe that each one of us has its personal heaven and hell, that's why the zoom is on "i", because it's about my personal experience and feelings.
i try to get rid of "i" but i need more fasting and meditation. :)

thanx for your comm and all the best!

 =  err
Constantin Delca
[31.Jul.09 22:35]

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