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 =  ...
Laurenţiu Ion
[02.Jul.09 01:52]
you have approached a usual theme. I would have preferred to rely more on certain details that initially seem insignificant. with these details you could create a great atmosphere besides the usual theme
anyway, in the second part the lines began to relax - this shows that you must get used to the text's subject and then you start to be more firmly in (that) position

I don't know why, but in a certain way, you reminded me of Ezra

 =  Laurentiu
Constantin Delca
[02.Jul.09 10:39]
your opinions are pertinent and i'll take them into consideration. i know i can't support the same atmosphere and pace on the entire lenght of a text but i'll try to do my best.
i don't know either why i remind you of ezra pound, but my hope is that one day i'll remind you of myself :)
thanks a lot & cheers!

 =  ...
Laura Cherecheº
[03.Jul.09 20:47]
yes, it takes some time and much inspiration to shape your dreams and thoughts with a pen :)
we are not poets, poetry comes from within...


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