Comentariile membrilor:

 =  ...
Laurentiu Ion
[24.Jul.09 01:21]
veronica, thanks for these valuable informations, and also for promoting this kind of actions. tell me, are you going to participate to this contest? :)

 =  add
Laurentiu Ion
[24.Jul.09 01:28]
...because I want to know my rivals :)

 =  fencing
Veronica Valeanu
[24.Jul.09 16:25]
en garde, swordsman!

 =  but good luck
daniel d marin
[12.Sep.09 00:09]
why is an entry fee, it sounds like a nasty trick to me...

 =  ...
Veronica Valeanu
[13.Sep.09 11:55]
all serious writing contests have a set of standards - the fee just goes with the territory. anyway, in the eventuality of submitting,also check the deadline. for this one it is too late.

 =  ...
daniel d marin
[14.Sep.09 00:59]
unfortunately I don't have unpublished poems for the moment. I was asking you just because in Romania (where I am from) it is a little bit different (no entry fee, free accomodation at the Prize Celebration...)

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