Comentariile membrilor:

+ my support
Laurentiu Ion
[29.Jul.09 14:37]
i hope to be a meeting as beautiful as our community, and don't forget to write some thoughts about :)
cheers & best wishes from romaniaaa!

 =  come join us!
Corina Gina Papouis
[29.Jul.09 14:53]
I am so looking forward to this and truly hope that new links and connections will be made within the Romanian community over here. So, if anyone is in London, or England or maybe even Scotland please do join us! Let there be poetry!

Thanks Laur for the support!

 =  =you will not be deserted...
[29.Jul.09 23:50]
Dearest Corina,

As you may already know, I have accepted this invitaion and will be attending.

Thanks and don't forget the meeting point!

 =  :)
Corina Gina Papouis
[30.Jul.09 00:55]
Gunsel, thank you for accepting the invitation and not to worry! 14:00h sharp! Lewisham station. Will be there!:)

 =  hello
Constantin Delca
[01.Aug.09 22:36]
i'll try to be there, too. it's a long way until tomorrow :)

 =  so
Corina Gina Papouis
[01.Aug.09 23:54]
happy to hear that, it is a long way indeed!:)

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