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+ things are changing
laurentiu ion
[19.Aug.09 03:33]
i liked your poem, but I wouldn't name it "dog and man", it's too obvious. i would have liked something more dry, more hidden in its meanings. or, why not, a short title. anyway, this is not another write, it's a text which takes a new direction.
i think you've captured exactly that weird moment when the curtain suddenly falls. our life is a theatre scene. every different day is a chair, and we don't have any certitude regarding its safety. i must remark the religious ground - seven days - or not, measured with your ability to sketch, to fasten, to link.

so, i recommend this lovely piece!


 =  links
Simona Sumanaru
[26.Sep.09 14:53]
Thank you, Laurentiu, for your wonderful and thorough comment. You might be right, the title is as obvious as it gets, but I really wanted to avoid any pretentiousness in this case. Yes, the religious hint was intended. Thanks again!

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