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 =  re broken
Corina Gina Papouis
[22.Aug.09 13:12]
words about a child and its betrayer: society. an invitation to make a difference, or at least stop and listen, do not turn hold the gaze of a child with a broken heart takes guts, have we got them?

there are a few extras (even - from even her mother, remember - from already damaged) that your poem could have done without...
otherwise, I believe you, Gunsel...


 =  !
Corina Gina Papouis
[22.Aug.09 13:39]
could you please correct took with take (did you take...)...
missed it first time round...

 =  Fragile...
[22.Aug.09 13:46]
Hi Dear Corina,

As you may know its part of our job to observe and report. However, it is so upsetting that we could only follow the procedures and pass on the information. Other than that our hands are tide.

There was a case specially affected me so much that I felt of writing this poem but never had the guts to publish, until last night.

Thanks for your understanding and your comment.

 =  :)
[22.Aug.09 13:49]
Thanks for correcting my mistake.


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