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 =  ...
[23.Nov.09 11:39]
hi Corina...
I just want to thank you for commenting on the mistakes that I have not noticed before posting my text. Because of you I have corrected those mistakes and if time allows yourself in the future, please alert me in case it happens to overlook some mistakes. Thank you again
the best for you,

 =  as always..
Dan Moldoveanu
[04.Dec.09 20:28]
Eloquent, crazy and sweet as ever (I should even say sexy, thinking of that enchanted jukebox), you take me to your universe where music comes through in waves, making me hold my breath as I fall into the sky...
(would you like a mint?)

 =  DM
Corina Gina Papouis
[05.Dec.09 15:54]
I picked a moment in time and overindulged into freedom and its felt good..and that jukebox is still running.
would i like a mint?...well, can you read my mind?:)

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