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 =  hmm
Corina Gina Papouis
[02.Jan.10 14:44]
i would suggest more de-cluttering of your text for it to shine...

What moves me in
It's more than infinity
For I'm the walk without direction
For I am the unwise
I'm going where the wind takes me
Walking more than legs
Moving more than arms
What stirs in me
Is an abstract framework
of infinite
I'm going where the thought shows
And walk no more than a simple land
towards the opposite
running no more.

just a thought...:)

 =  Thanks
Oscar Calixto
[02.Jan.10 15:11]
Thaks, dear... My bad english... rsrs Kiss..

 =  :)
Cãtãrãu Alina - Andreea
[02.Jan.10 19:12]
I enjoyed very much reading this poem, it gave me the feeling that I was entering into another dimension, where everyone relives himself from his thoughts of worry of helplessness or maybe of any kind of laws, because literature is composed of this wish of breaking free from the real world and wandering aimlessly into the unknown land of imagination.

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