Comentariile membrilor:

 =  :)
Corina Gina Papouis
[13.Jan.10 23:04]
In my humble opinion I think the last verse is not necessary.

let: 'Look in the mirror' be our reason for their heart aches to come..:)


 =  thank you
Lynn West
[14.Jan.10 08:55]
thank you for the suggestion, any input is well noted

 =  .
Cãtãrãu Alina - Andreea
[14.Jan.10 20:49]
I think that the entire poem is very nice. I really like the idea and I guess that every woman wants to be like Psyche. (of course, the one from your poem, not the mythological one, or who knows).
Although Mrs. Papouis advised you yo get rod of the lost verse, I find it fits perfectly with "Look in the mirror" because it forms a bridge between the thoughts and the reality.


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