Comentariile membrilor:

 =  couldn't
Corina Gina Papouis
[13.Jan.10 22:19]

...quite find the soul of this wants to be abstract but somewhat is a step away from being simplistic...

not sure about this one either:)):

'Dirty day swaying my way

Clean cut in my...
Present, past and future
Cleaning me from...

I drink my beer.
like steel I feel .
dirty, clean
I am'

..just a thought...

PS welcome on Agonia, by the way...:)

 =  :)so
Corina Gina Papouis
[19.Jan.10 12:21]
you liked this version better?

 =  yes
Patrik Voicu
[19.Jan.10 22:36]
I think it's better, so thanks for the new version.

 =  yes
Patrik Voicu
[19.Jan.10 22:36]
I've put the comment but it does not appear here. But, yes I liked that version better, thanks.

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