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Corina Gina Papouis
[04.Feb.10 23:30]
Stupendous! a wonderful contribution to I found your work (including the last three texts posted here) has an exquisite style and presentation. Hope you will keep this up. Please also note that you may now post texts without editors verification. You know what that means..:)


 =  Glad you like it
Cãlin Sãmãrghițan
[05.Feb.10 07:46]
That's nice, thanks! I still need a little attention from editors (so, please read me further on too, he-he!) not to post big language mistakes telling me if it's the case.

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Foloseşte link-ul existent în pagină (lângă data înscrierii textului), sau alege limba corespunzătoare şi accesează din nou acest text.

De asemenea, nu poţi comenta din pagina care include comentariile off-topic.

Înapoi !