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 =  !
Corina Gina Papouis
[11.Mar.10 19:52]
'one lit candle..'to correct please!
an interesting approach...:)

 =  here
Veronica Valeanu
[11.Mar.10 21:27]
a bold poem. force in its descriptive part- the reader feels like carried away. the endurance resulting from the voice's incapacity to link the 2 halves is well-built exactly because it isn't descriptive.

i'll be following your work.

 =  enlight
Iulia Tache
[12.Mar.10 13:13]
I thought that both 'lit' and 'lighted' could be used as the past tense and past participle of the verb to light (lit is more common in spoken language, of course). There is also this difference of rhythm between 'a lit candle' and 'a lighted candle', which is why I chose to use 'lighted'. Am I wrong?

 =  yes
Corina Gina Papouis
[12.Mar.10 13:51]
both forms 'lit' and 'lighted' are correct, they are interchangeable..although I must say 'lighted' is rarely used, in fact so rarely that it almost doesn't sound right...apart from when Hemingway is using it, of course..:))

..and I shouldn't have used the term 'correct' but 'consider'! my apologies..

 =  thanks
Iulia Tache
[13.Mar.10 16:37]
for the explanations; I've changed my mind, 'lit' sounds better after all :)

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