Comentariile membrilor:

 =  and yet knowingly
Veronica Valeanu
[16.Mar.10 12:37]
i would suggest [bearing] instead of [holding]
3r verse- [have] seems too neutral
[wings for flight] is redundant
last line - without [that]

i liked how you switched from a plan to another, each one offering other sensations. the verse [each time people keep distance/avoiding my eyes] is definitely an interesting reverse of your plan.

 =  Veronica
Ela Solan
[16.Mar.10 14:54]
thanks for your comment.
I followed you’re suggestions; only about 'bearing' I have doubts because it does not sound good to me with all other “b” around (been / before / burning)... although the meaning of 'bearing' would be probably more suitable...


 =  e
Veronica Valeanu
[16.Mar.10 14:53]
Ela, you are right! I hadn't taken that into consideration.
I'm anxious to read more from you.

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