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Corina Gina Papouis
[14.Jun.10 12:02]
i think thy poem encapsulates the enhanced beauty of the Goth culture with such grace..thy rhymes and thy rhyming could endure further polishing, however thy story caresses the mind of the reader and could levitate through eternity...
Anne Rice should be proud...

as above so bellow

 =  i'd rather call it grotesque visions...
Lestat de Llamorte
[14.Jun.10 12:19]
Oh no... nothing to do with Ann Rice (i'm not even de Lioncourt *smiles*), she's telling nice stories, but quite simple they are. This poem was inspired by Poe and my own musical works, and writ in 2005. Today the polish is shining much better, however I feel this is one of my special (prefer more laconic now) from that period of time. That's why posted here...

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