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 =  so...
Corina Gina Papouis
[17.Nov.10 18:12]
The poem seemed long enough to lose the edge you intend it to have.
I considered this:

when it becomes deafening
like a cliché
you could insert various things
into your ear

a yellowish flat key
turn and turn again
depending on what side of
silence you live in
a door opens
or locks

if it persists
don't despair
practically there's no limit
to the things
you could try

stare at a blank wall
long enough
until one of you
starts to bleed sums up that feeling and does not dilute the message.
(of course, one reader's opinion):)


 =  of course
Constantin Delca
[17.Nov.10 20:02]
I value my readers' opinions and they can cut through the fabric of my writings in whatever way they like and believe appropriate, I don't mind. However, in this case I would like to stick to the actual content, even if is somewhat long (maybe exactly because :))
Anyway, I appreciate the comment.


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