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 =  o.s.
Veronica Vãleanu
[29.Jan.12 16:11]
I would suggest you to reconsider removing these parts/ or compress them as minimally as possible:
[Come eagerly close to your heart]
[Open the door, invite them to come in]
[White angels of your heart
Open the door, invite them to come in]
-and after [as if] you have to change the vb form: [gave]

 =  Certainty
Sârb Olimpia
[29.Jan.12 20:38]
1. Later, but with deep consideration: Happy New Year!
2. Your comments are always objectively made, full of kindness not to hurt one's feelings and generous enough to encourage.
I made the changes you had proposed, the poem immediately looks differently. Thank you so much for giving me certainty.

 =  Thank you
Sârb Olimpia
[15.Feb.12 08:41]
I am sorry... It should have been "the poem looks different"...

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