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Luminita Suse
[20.Sep.05 18:19]
Toxic Love
poetry [ ]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
by Mel [BlackMamba]

2005-09-20 | |

Presented before me
Snow White's apple.
Beneath its redness-
Bittersweet ebony,
I will take no bite!

Yet, poison
Pulses through my veins,
Intoxicating my heart.
But no!
I'll have none of it.
Have it sent to the liver

I won't deny the ecstacy
But concealed behind its
Eyes tear and hearts ache.

Perchance, my heart as
Is worth the trade for
Promised rapture,
But I'm no gambler.

I'm adament,
My heart has coagulated.
Away with love!
I need my

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