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 =  to be revised
Luminita Suse
[27.Sep.05 15:26]
The Impulse of muy Heart
poetry [ ]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
by Pacheco Polanco [Julio Mauricio]

2005-09-27 | |

The Impulse of muy Heart.

Your Heart is free
Have the courage of following it.

I won't ask for the flowers that shrivel in spring
Nor for the rivers that dried before reaching the see
I won't sing to the spaces of the heart
Who's consciousness deny their wills.

I won't pray for those who are considered dead.
My pray goes for those who find a reason,
Those who whit courage made mistakes and did not surrender
Those who now and then contemplate darkness
And shaking decide to move on for the will of their hearts.

I wont ask for your yesterday
for in everybody there is a history to tell
And perhaps each person founds their own arguments for excused it
And I don't want to know so much about your pass;
Without you or without me something could have been differente,
Wiht you or with me something could have change.
Something can change!

I won't sing for your tomorrow,
The torch that illuminates your days
Only could be lighted from your interior,
When your heart will,when yuor heart long

I won't ask if Good exists
Nor would I lose my time on judging him.
I will hug my entire universe in my poem
And if before I saw flowers shrivelled
And if befores I saw rivers drying
I won't stop
I'll keep on being free between deserts and cities
For I will always follow
The impulse of my heart.

 =  pacheco
felix nicolau
[15.Sep.06 15:55]
pls still correct some other things in the body of the poem, or ask your friends. muchas gracias, espero que sea possble

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