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 =  remarkable ***
Edilberto González Trejos
[04.Oct.05 04:27]
Remarkable poem, Irina, intense and full of images, neatly crafted, no word-excess.
If I was a manager, I would give you a Star!
I don`t know how I related "rain" and "acid jazz" with some inner acid rain like acid tears...
There`s music, texture, colours but also darkness.


 =  Intense Composition
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[04.Oct.05 04:51]
Your words has life as if it explodes and excels, concealing such tremendous power that makes it alluring to the readers, as of Edilberto González Trejos said it deserves better!

+ star
Diana Pacuraru
[04.Oct.05 23:49]
i shall give you a star because you deserve, this text is indeed full of that kind of pallor that brings the reader to such a least it brought me...the last few words are just so well put there. yes, i like reading good poems and i'm glad i found something here, something i could remain with after i log off.

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