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 =  Your eyes, crystals
Muºat Dana
[26.Oct.05 15:17]
A poem bleeding from hart, touching the mind of the lecturer as the "weed" touches the mind of his user.

"A precious stone shines right
where there once was
a bleeding and undone muscle,
out of infinite pain
there comes forth a strange redemption."-i liked so much this words.

Thanks for a good text.

 =  Burning eyes
Edilberto González Trejos
[26.Oct.05 16:17]
Hello Dana,
I really appreciate your feedback.
The text came (as usual) out of a recurrent idea: I visualized myself, my chest totally stabbed by some dry, sharp weed, suffocating one indeed, and then I saw crystals, like the mirrors reflectng the sun on summer days.
The heat made the weed burn and my heart was transmuted, much like a visual thing.


 =  When things turns out to be images.
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[30.Oct.05 05:18]
I like the images, here the flame the sun,the heart and grass, they collaborate making a very keen sense!

I sense an image of fantasy which lies within reality,

It has a bright humor.

I like it Dude, do doubt!

 =  Feedback
Edilberto González Trejos
[31.Oct.05 03:51]
Humour??? **sl**
Hadn`t actually figured it out...
However, feedback is just that, a way to enrich the original text.
Joshua, your comm. takes to other dimensions as I read the text.
Best to you,


 =  something is missing
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[31.Oct.05 13:41]

For those people who will look closely, If your going to look further you'll gonna witness something different yet realted, as you said;

chest totally stabbed by some dry, sharp weed, suffocating one indeed, and then I saw crystals, like the mirrors reflectng the sun on summer days.

this images you made gives me the idea, in which sometimes in life we are downed as if we are like dead, but then as the sun shines again a new beginning arises, new things, fresh splendor, and reborn possibilities, a humor that gives me an idea that once we fall down next to it we will stand!

as you can see humour is fun, and i know when you are going to relate next to your torments is the exitement, as what i have said from the start,

by the way, in our country we commonly use english a one of our main language next to our native,
once you said feedback it resembles in negative, in which is pointing out the the verdict is either humiliating or awful, if the comment is not nice we call it feedback!

but then if the verdict if nice and encouraging we call it comment, (Comment is for positive, feedback i for negative) as of ours

 =  .....................
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[31.Oct.05 13:43]
realted, what i mean by this is related,
damn, I always have typo,,,,,,I'm always in hurry

 =  Comment from Joshua
Edilberto González Trejos
[06.Nov.05 01:58]
O.k. Josh,
So I guess you rather wrote a "comment" instead of a "feedback".
Always the best to you,


 =  precious stone
Breazu Roxana Eugenia
[11.Nov.05 22:44]
maybe the precious stone is the birth of a star...because we all carry shining stars inside...the sky always mirrors the earth...
all the best,

 =  of stones and stars, Eugenia
Edilberto González Trejos
[13.Nov.05 22:08]
I LOVE your focus on this text, Eugenia.
Btw, did youknow Eugenia´s my grandmom´s name? :o)
A precious stone within, like the seed of a shining star above.
Good point and glad you liked it

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