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 =  Key from my very heart
Joshua Vasquez Butawan
[27.Feb.06 11:24]
away from the rough spots of the untamed world, I will unlocked the blinding spots the face of inner mysteries
the nature will unfold for you, you gotta open what's inside
I will reveal the lights from your hiding shadow..

 =  Blind for the outside...
Edilberto González Trejos
[02.Mar.06 14:12]
Interesting comments Josh.
In fact, theres a duality, an inner conflict and I display darkness and light in this one ´cause It is all INSIDE ourselves...
And what we see lies a lot in the eyes of Us, Beholders.

"...until I´m completely blind
for the outside
and able to look inside
I´ll find the key to open your soul...

This is the final resolution to end the unsolved contradiction.



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