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 =  next level
Radu Herinean
[31.Oct.07 12:33]
sorry for the recent delays in approving the texts.
your posts will be approved instantly from now on, in accordance to your new access level to the english website.

 =  aimed
felix nicolau
[04.Nov.07 20:46]
it's somehow funny this hide-and-seek love game. and it's that nice you didn't prolonge the poem. i mean you posses the feeling of rounded limit

 =  Just love...
Ariadna-Raluca Stefanescu
[04.Nov.07 20:50]
Love is nothing but essence of selves. The limit is given by the feeling itself.
Thank you for stopping by.

 =  Congratulations!
Marius Surleac
[18.Feb.08 13:20]
Nice hide-and-seek between fairy places knew only by you and your half-soul. "Trails of desire" - perfectly said!

 =  Marius
Ariadna-Raluca Stefanescu
[03.Jun.08 21:57]
For reasons I cannot explain, I was not notified about your comments and I have just discovered them here. Thank you again for your words...

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