Members comments:

 =  Hy again Monica!
Marius Surleac
[25.Feb.08 09:20]
Sometimes, silence could be the shelter of our inner feelings, and can protect us!
In silence I'll whisper: Congratulations!

 =  great job monica.
Christopher Thripp
[01.Mar.08 17:14]
shhhhh i am reading.

 =  Thank you
Monica David
[01.Mar.08 17:56]
Thank you Marius, thank you Christopher. I'm happy that my words go to your hearts and you like what I'm writing.

+ lame mirror...
Romulus Campan Maramuresanu
[01.Mar.08 18:14]
Very interesting "the silence" vs. the poet's "silence"...

 =  thank you
Monica David
[01.Mar.08 18:20]
Mr Romulus, thank you very much, thank you for brightening my text.

a beautiful evening, monica

 =  silence
Edilberto González Trejos
[11.Mar.08 23:41]
Silence overwhelms but
in silence we grasp some truth...
(( if any))


 =  silence and truth
Monica David
[12.Mar.08 21:01]
Thank you, you know, the silence says sometime more than a thounsands words. And about truth, well the only truth is the one you believe in your heart.
Thanks for singn.


 =  Oana
oana blandiana betlevy
[25.Mar.08 14:23]
you successfully spoke out ‘the words ( I could have) never told’

 =  oana blandiana
Monica David
[27.Mar.08 09:25]
Oana Blandiana, thank you so much, visit again my page.
A beautiful day, Monica

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