Members comments:

 =  Fine, original idea....
John Willy Kopperud
[16.Apr.08 11:33]

...funny and short, as well! Just be sure to write
TO a bone compote, since I'm convinced that's the right way of spelling the third line line!
Cheers from Willy

 =  cheers!
Marius Surleac
[16.Apr.08 15:02]
Interesting and perfectly right Willy about the third line!
Good job Daniel!

 =  John Willy Kopperud end Marius Surleac
Daniel Lacatus
[17.Apr.08 14:30]
Thank you very much for comment. You dye truth.

 =  give the poor man a proper burial
dan marius
[18.Apr.08 16:41]
bone compote ? awrghhhh.... I thought I was macabre. And ze poor poet... I mean why the flea market? Why would a boiled & "compoted" poor poet end up in a flea market? Beats me.

 =  maybe ?
Christopher Thripp
[19.Apr.08 05:31]
everyone hopes to find an old gem at a flea market...the work of a dead unknown poet waiting to surface.

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