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 =  I will visit you again!
Bogdan G. Marin
[22.Apr.08 09:57]
My thoughts fly towards the gothic after reading the poems you have posted on this site. I will read some more.
I wonder, I always wondered if my texts are of any good, my thoughts, my feelings. And then wonder if other writers feel the same, maybe I am young though my mind... I am but a rose with white petals.
"The sublime expression of words, a perfume that irradiates not only the spirit but also the mind. The exquisiteness of every thought and feeling. A passion that brushes every word. Ideas acting on the page as an actor on the stage. This is writing!"

This I said to Marius Surleac, this is what I say now to you. This is art? - contradict me if you may: say that art is for art`s sake, but deep it is not just superficial.

 =  Good imagery...
Mike Aspros
[22.Apr.08 09:58]
I like how you invoked the senses, although I have never been to this place, you distilled the core emotions of this place in me, and I see you're surrendering yourself to nature. best -mike

 =  to Bogdan G. Marin
Daniel Lacatus
[23.Apr.08 03:21]
Yes, possibly that to be real Thank you sincerely for the beautiful words.

 =  to Mike Aspros
Daniel Lacatus
[23.Apr.08 03:21]
Thank you for the beautiful words.
The whole my respect


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