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 =  Hail reading. Hail Love. Sheika.
Juan Felipe Parra
[23.Apr.06 01:54]
If you want to increase the power of the poem, you can always check out a great Romantic novel: 'Cyrano de Bergerac', by Edmund Rostand, the theater version.
He has a small part, I think in Act Three of the play, in which he talks about love, passion and embodiment of fiery passion.
It's a good reading.

 =  A modest try to improve your style
mariana fulger
[23.Apr.06 01:54]
Sweet ray,
gentle drop of light,
please stay,
burn a second more my sight,
and let the wind wipe the ashes
if we don't have anything to share
go if you wish, go everywhere
I'll learn with you all the dashes

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