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 =  Too many mistakes
Lisnic Anna
[07.Aug.08 03:19]
You should pay greater attention to grammar. There are too many mistakes in your poem. A text cannot impress, nor even attract, if the reader gets disturbed by poor grammar.

 =  Anna Lisnic
Luminita Suse
[07.Aug.08 03:21]
Anna, would you be so kind and pinpoint some grammar issues that you have noticed in this text? Thank you.

 =  Just some of your mistakes
Lisnic Anna
[21.Sep.08 12:25]
"And even if I will cry along my road life" - There's no
"if" after "will"

"in my knees" - the correct preposition is "on"

"Love for the people" - you don't need an article here

"Protect me, My Lord, of temptation " - one protects "from" and not "of"

"it is everything holy" - it is just incorrect. It is a mot-a-mot translation from Romanian

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