Comentariile membrilor:

 =  from silver birch to oak
Corina Gina Papouis
[23.Jul.08 10:32]
"a silver birch tree in the middle of oak trees" alone in your path, amongst so many other, "i feel a wind blowing" time to change, move away from the past, aim for that maximum potential, your better self, "god speed" i hope you will do it alone....:)
how beautifuly put,

 =  Man, seemingly bound...
John Willy Kopperud
[23.Jul.08 12:56] a position of stagnancy, then realizing that change is
under way, as if we don't change all the time, without offering that constant process a conscious thought. Fine images and a bit of existential scenery here, Chris! Enjoyed it.
Cheers from Willy

 =  cheers
Christopher Thripp
[23.Jul.08 18:06]
thank you both i appreciate it.

 =  trueee!
Marius Surleac
[24.Jul.08 10:26]
Yes, interesting point of view, you are inspired with by new feelings and thoughts.

Though, I want to point out two minor errors: I think that there should be "too early to say too late" instead of "to late" and "god speed" - what did you wanted to say with that?

Best wishes,

 =  marius
Christopher Thripp
[25.Jul.08 04:52]
too early to say means i need more time... which i dont really have..
too late to realize means i have been doing this for some time and i can only change my course..
god speed i hope all unfolds quickly..
thank you marius.

 =  Chris
Marius Surleac
[25.Jul.08 09:49]
Yes Chris. Thank you for explaining what "god speed" means, but the first two I knew what you wanted to say. I just wanted to point out that you used "to late" instead of "too late" in the text - and you can modify that "to"!!!


 =  too
Christopher Thripp
[27.Jul.08 13:44]
cheers marius ...i can count on you too...

 =  Praise the will power.
Simona Sumanaru
[05.Aug.08 11:19]
We ride alone the wind of change, and if we steer in the right direction, what a blessed smile will be upon us! And hey, it is really ok to be different. The place to look for colors is where your worth lies: inside.

 =  Beautiful
Alina Eileen Ray
[08.Aug.08 15:33]
Very deep ... Very meaningful!

 =  thank you all.
Christopher Thripp
[08.Aug.08 20:15]
thank you simone and alina ..your comments speak volumes
thank you all ...

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