Los comentarios de los miembros:

 =  sight
Ecaterina Bargan
[07.Aug.08 03:44]
the words from your resume don't clang very well in context. i mean this expression> embracing the lack of you. i don't like it. hoe she can be absent in body, or you mean that she's or he's body is absent?
the start and finesh i like a lot.

 =  mmmmm
Mike Aspros
[06.Aug.08 18:06]
I like the way you wrote about your emptiness, and the use of simple images yet they have complex meaning behind them. "one red....one yellow...." wonderful line. Thank you for sharing your poem with me. best,

 =  great.
Christopher Thripp
[06.Aug.08 20:16]
same as mike i like the way you wrote this ..a cry in the dark for no one hears you ...

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